Most of the time, trust in our employees and peers is well placed and allows us to conduct business. Insider risk, however, is an issue security pros have to address as users intentionally or unintentionally contribute to data breaches. And the risk is evolving as new modes of work upend traditional monitoring processes, and the distraction and instability of the global pandemic as it continues leading employees to poor decisions that may be accidental or purposeful.
Managing insider risk and finding malicious insiders requires a focused, cross-organizational approach. In the words of one security leader, "If any company thinks they don't have an insider threat problem, they aren't looking." Join Forrester VP & Research Director Joseph Blankenship and Senior Analyst Jess Burn for a discussion about the changing nature of insider threat and what you can do to evolve your program to mitigate risk. During this session, JB and Jess will provide an overview of the types of insiders posing risk to the organization, how to manage insider threat with Zero Trust, how to hire and retain insider risk analysts, and important employee experience and privacy considerations for your insider threat program.